Have you seen Ornamental Grasses?
Hawaii Early Detection Network Priority Pest for the island of Oahu

feathertop fountain grass
feathertop fountain grass
Japanese blood grass
Japanese blood grass
Image: Mary Do
Mexican feather grass
Mexican feather grass
Image: Drew Avery

Identification (general): Exotic ornamental grasses have become popular in landscaping on the mainland and some are being used here in Hawai'i. A number of these ornamental grasses have been found to be invasive. Some invasive ornamental grasses recently seen on Oahu are: Pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana and C. jubata), feathertop fountain grass (Pennisetum villosum), Mexican feather grass (Nassella tenuissima), Japanese blood grass (Imperata cylindrica), and pink crystal glass (Melinis nerviglumis). Ornamental grasses usually have showy flowers or seedheads.
Impacts: Exotic grasses are often fire-adapted, meaning they provide fuel for brushfires and reproduce better after being burned. Many exotic grasses are unpalatable to livestock and can ruin pastures. Because of these threats, the Oahu Invasive Species Committee recommends to voluntarily avoid planting any type of ornamental grass in their landscaping as the best preventative measure.
Dispersal Mechanism: The same features that make the flowers and seed heads of ornamental grasses attractive for landscaping (feathery or brush-like projections) are also responsible for their easy dispersal by wind; seeds can be carried far from the parent plant and easily spread into forests and natural areas. Some species can also spread vegetatively by way of creeping, underground stems or when construction equipment or soil contaminated with broken stems is moved and brought to a new location.

Last Updated: . If you have any questions about the Hawaii Early Detection Network contact [email protected].